With a growing need for IT infrastructure monitoring, metrics have emerged as a way to gain insight to the trends and problems within your IT environment, especially when it comes to performance monitoring. collectd is ...
With increasing risks and expanding regulations for data protection, you must close security gaps in your organization created by cloud and mobility. Adding security appliances to an already complex security ...
How to keep your data safe in the world of cloud and mobility
The digital world produces a vast amount of sensitive data, including personal information about customers and employees, financial data, and intellectual property. So ...
The rapid shift to digital business models that use cloud services, such as SaaS and cloud service providers, brings tremendous benefits as well as significant new challenges.
All organizations can be the target of ransomware, where users' files or computers are taken hostage or system access is hindered for a ransom. And while big game hunting ...
No h dvida de que o ransomware uma ameaa crescente. Ransomware uma das ameaas que crescem mais rpido na cibersegurana, com danos previstos para chegar a US$ 20 bilhes em todo o mundo at ...
No hay duda de que el ransomwarees una amenaza creciente. El ransomware es una de las amenazas de ciberseguridad que ms ha venido creciendo. Se prev que sus daos aumenten a $20 mil millones a ...
There was a time when gateway proxy and url appliances like Broadcom's were the best approach for delivering network security. But with applications moving to the cloud and many users working off-network, such network security ...